sea breeze
“When you are really close to the project its difficult to stand back and evaluate it but at the end, you look back and see that it is really successful, especially when you get an overwhelming thumbs up from family and friends.”
- Owner of Sea Breeze
“The reason we went to Mattinson Associates is because we knew Lindsay had worked with a friend of ours, for whom she had created a jaw-droppingly beautiful masterplan and renovations for their Georgian farm house.
We have worked with Lindsay and the practice over the period of the project and we’ve got to know her and the practice. I would say there are four words to describe her and the practice:
Robust – She has robust ideas which she is willing to defend.
She is a Good listener.
She is Inventive.
And above all else, she is creative.
When you’ve got all these things working in tandem, you have exactly what you need in an architect”
We have got a really cool house. Its light and airy and works really well as a holiday home for either two people or eight. Its exactly what we hoped to achieve. When I approach the house it makes me really happy.
- Owner, Sea Breeze