RIBA Isle of Wight - Young Designers Awards 2017

For the fifth year, we have organised the Young Designers Award competition on the island. This year’s brief focused on creating a new design and access solution for Shanklin Cliff Lift. We had numerous entries this year and we saw a range of models from a fabulous fish entry made out of paper mache to a Bug theme.This year, we focused particularly hard on providing constant inspiration on the social media in order to keep the youngsters engaged and focused whilst providing a better level of understanding of the reasons behind why we do this competition every year.We hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did and we will be letting you all know mid-September about the brief for the Young Designers Awards 2018!


Young Designers Award County Press Article


RIBA Isle of Wight Commendation awarded for the Renovation, Extension and Remodelling of The Briars!