Heat Proofing our Cities

The urban heat island effect is something we are currently facing where cities are becoming uncomfortably hot – but not just because of the weather that we have had this year.This effect is caused and heightened by factors such as excessive number of vehicles on the road emitting heat, sun hitting & absorbing heat on the pavements & air-conditioning units pumping waste heat into the surrounding air, just to name a few.With air-conditioning units increasing it is important to note that one fifth of building related electricity is used for air con globally. In London, one of the major places that suffered this summer, yet also emitted the most heat, was the Underground. The circle line at peak times was over 31˚C. Units to cool the air were used here, however this viscous cycle of reducing the air temperature then producing more waste heat is something we can all fall susceptible to.So, with a warming climate and a predicted increase in the purchase of air-conditioning, it is important to tackle the issues with a creative outlook to enhance our places to live with and play.

10 Years of Wight Architecture | RIBA Architects


Interior Design at Mattinson Associates